Cette Province Canadienne Va Doubler Le Nombre D’immigrants

Canadian Visa Professionals

  Cette année, le gouvernement fédéral a l’intention de doubler le nombre d’immigrants fondés sur l’emploi admis à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. En d’autres termes, les places de résidence permanente dans cette province passeront de 1 500 à 3 050 en 2023. Selon Canadian Visa Professionals, ce plan a été élaboré parce que la province a rempli toutes ses […]

Survey Says 45% of Canadian Employers to Raise Salaries 8.1%

salary raise

The continuing labour shortage in Canada has resulted in an increase in wages for many workers. While there is hope that the talent shortage will ease shortly, employers across the country are projecting future salary bumps into their budgets. According to a survey of over 17,000 businesses across the country, 45% of the businesses expect […]

Immigrants Help to Improve Ontario Economy

immigrant woman

These connections ensure rural areas get the professional employees they need and help qualified people, like the ones assisted by Canadian Visa Professionals, find out about job opportunities they may not otherwise have known about. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

The Differences in Canadian and American Workplaces

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Although Canada and the United States share one of the longest borders in the world, there are some big differences in lifestyles between the citizens of these countries, especially when it comes to the workplace.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Helps Immigrants Find Jobs in Canada’s Eastern Provinces

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Canada is a popular destination for immigrants; however, most immigrants end up staying in the western provinces. Many immigrants only know of Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver and have little knowledge of the western half of Canada. However, the government has instituted a new program called the Atlantic Immigration Pilot in hopes to draw immigrants eastward […]
